When did JAMB registration start?When did JAMB registration start?

JAMB, which stands for Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board, is a Nigerian entrance examination board that conducts exams for admission into tertiary institutions in Nigeria. The JAMB registration process is a crucial step for candidates seeking admission into tertiary institutions in Nigeria. The registration process usually starts at a specific time each year, and candidates need to be aware of the registration dates to avoid missing out on the opportunity to apply for admission.

In this article, we will explore when JAMB registration started and provide information on important registration dates and deadlines.

When Did JAMB Registration Start?

The JAMB registration process usually starts in the first quarter of the year, between January and February. The exact date for the start of registration varies from year to year and is usually announced by JAMB on their official website and through other communication channels.

For the 2021/2022 academic session, JAMB registration started on April 8th, 2021, and ended on May 29th, 2021. However, the board later extended the registration deadline to June 15th, 2021, to allow more candidates to register.

It is important to note that JAMB registration dates and deadlines are subject to change, and candidates should always check the JAMB website or other communication channels for updates.

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Important JAMB Registration Dates and Deadlines

Here are some important JAMB registration dates and deadlines that candidates should be aware of:

  1. JAMB Mock Examination

JAMB usually conducts a mock examination before the actual exam to help candidates familiarize themselves with the exam format and prepare better. The mock examination is optional, and candidates are required to indicate their interest during registration. The date for the mock examination is usually announced by JAMB.

  1. JAMB Registration Period

The JAMB registration period usually lasts for about two months. Candidates are required to register within the stipulated period, or they may miss out on the opportunity to apply for admission. It is important for candidates to start the registration process early to avoid rushing at the last minute.

  1. JAMB Registration Deadline

JAMB usually sets a registration deadline, and candidates are required to complete their registration before the deadline. Candidates who fail to register before the deadline may not be able to apply for admission for that academic session.

  1. JAMB Examination Date

JAMB usually conducts the examination in the second quarter of the year, between April and May. The exact date for the examination is usually announced by JAMB, and candidates should be prepared to take the exam on the specified date.

Tips for a Successful JAMB Registration

Here are some tips to help candidates have a successful JAMB registration:

  1. Get all necessary documents ready

Before starting the registration process, candidates should have all the necessary documents ready, including their O level result, passport photograph, and personal details.

  1. Ensure all information provided is correct

Candidates should ensure that all the information provided during registration is correct. Any errors or omissions could affect the admission process.

  1. Keep their registration details safe

Candidates should keep their registration details safe, including their registration number and profile code. These details will be required throughout the admission process.

  1. Be aware of the registration deadline

Candidates should be aware of the registration deadline and make sure to register before the deadline expires.

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In conclusion, JAMB registration usually starts in the first quarter of the year, between January and February. The exact date for the start of registration varies from year to year and is usually announced by JAMB on their official website and through other communication channels. Candidates should be aware of important registration dates and deadlines, including the mock examination date, registration period, registration deadline, and examination date. To have a successful JAMB registration process, candidates should get all necessary documents ready, ensure all information provided is correct, keep their registration details safe, and be aware of the registration deadline.

By Sir Yormight

Hi, I'm Sir Yormight, and I'm passionate about education in Nigeria, particularly when it comes to helping students succeed in their JAMB exams. With 7 years of experience as an educator and 9 years as a blogger, I've had the privilege of sharing my knowledge and insights with countless students and parents. As someone who has personally experienced the challenges of JAMB exams, I understand how stressful and overwhelming they can be. That's why I'm committed to providing comprehensive and reliable information to students, parents, and educators through my blog. In addition to writing about JAMB exams, I enjoy staying active by hiking and practicing yoga. I also love exploring new cuisines and trying out new recipes in the kitchen. Thank you for visiting my blog, and I hope my posts can help you achieve success in your JAMB exams and beyond.

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