What causes failure in JAMB?What causes failure in JAMB?

The Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) is the agency responsible for conducting the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) in Nigeria. The UTME is a prerequisite for admission into tertiary institutions in Nigeria. However, not all candidates who sit for the exam are successful. In this article, we will discuss some of the common causes of failure in JAMB.

Lack of Adequate Preparation

One of the common causes of failure in JAMB is the lack of adequate preparation. Many candidates do not take the exam seriously and do not put in enough effort to prepare for the exam. This results in poor performance and failure in the exam. To pass JAMB, candidates need to start preparing early, study the recommended textbooks, practice past questions, and seek help from teachers, tutors, or mentors if necessary.

Poor Time Management

Poor time management is another cause of failure in JAMB. The UTME is a time-bound exam, and candidates need to manage their time effectively during the exam. Some candidates spend too much time on a single question or section, leaving little or no time for other sections. To avoid this, candidates need to familiarize themselves with the exam format, practice past questions, and learn time management techniques.

Inadequate Knowledge of Exam Topics

The UTME covers a wide range of topics, and candidates need to have a good understanding of the topics to perform well in the exam. Some candidates have inadequate knowledge of the topics covered in the exam, which results in poor performance and failure. To overcome this, candidates need to study the recommended textbooks, practice past questions, and seek help from teachers, tutors, or mentors if necessary.

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Examination Anxiety

Examination anxiety is another cause of failure in JAMB. Some candidates become anxious and nervous during the exam, which affects their performance. To overcome examination anxiety, candidates can practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, and visualization. They can also get enough sleep, eat healthy, and stay hydrated during the exam period.

Technical Issues

Technical issues such as computer malfunction or power outage during the exam can also result in failure. Candidates need to ensure that they are familiar with the computer-based exam format and know how to navigate the system. They should also arrive early at the exam center to allow for any unforeseen technical issues.

Examination Malpractice

Examination malpractice is a serious offense that can lead to disqualification and failure in JAMB. Some candidates engage in malpractice such as smuggling in notes or using electronic devices during the exam. This not only leads to failure but also tarnishes the candidate’s reputation and credibility.


In conclusion, failure in JAMB can be caused by various factors such as the lack of adequate preparation, poor time management, inadequate knowledge of exam topics, examination anxiety, technical issues, and examination malpractice. To overcome these factors, candidates need to start preparing early, study the recommended textbooks, practice past questions, learn time management techniques, practice relaxation techniques, familiarize themselves with the computer-based exam format, and avoid examination malpractice. By doing so, candidates can increase their chances of success in JAMB and achieve their academic goals.

By Sir Yormight

Hi, I'm Sir Yormight, and I'm passionate about education in Nigeria, particularly when it comes to helping students succeed in their JAMB exams. With 7 years of experience as an educator and 9 years as a blogger, I've had the privilege of sharing my knowledge and insights with countless students and parents. As someone who has personally experienced the challenges of JAMB exams, I understand how stressful and overwhelming they can be. That's why I'm committed to providing comprehensive and reliable information to students, parents, and educators through my blog. In addition to writing about JAMB exams, I enjoy staying active by hiking and practicing yoga. I also love exploring new cuisines and trying out new recipes in the kitchen. Thank you for visiting my blog, and I hope my posts can help you achieve success in your JAMB exams and beyond.

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